Will I get travelling expenses? http://victorfire.in/tofranil-adverse-reactions-d9de.pdf imipramine medscape This procedure is ‘undone’ on the ‘wedding night’ by the girl’s husband…though often times the hole is too small for penetration and must be cut “with a sharp knife or piece of glass.” テつAre we horrified yet? テつJust to add continued torture to the poor woman’s trials, at childbirth, what is called ‘defibulation’ occurs because the opening is too small for the infant’s head to pass through. テつAnd then, after, you guessed it – seal up the ‘dangerous’ hole once again…for pleasure of the husband, of course! テつThese are just some of the shocking implications of female genital mutilations – that women are simply objects for a man’s pleasure – again, middle ages anyone?
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