How do I get an outside line? cialis half life graph Once upon a time, African Americans were not much seen on television, especially in advertisements. At some point (by whatever mechanism), that changed, and I felt, when I began to see this change, that the effects would be more pervasive than any affirmative action program in any milieu, on grounds that if people get used to seeing people who look different from テ「ツツ忖sテ「ツツ (nonminority Americans) doing the same sorts of things we do in the same ways we do them, then people might begin to realize that these groups are not so very different from us that we need to fear them. (Middle-class folks doing middle-class things.) On television today, when thereテ「ツツ冱 an ad for a cleaning product, the likelihood is that the person doing the cleaning is a middle-class housewife. That isnテ「ツツ冲 going to get it done, any more than seeing women in middle management on TV ads will.
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