Children with disabilities Now, I know there are folks out there who are actively working to make this law fail. But despite a politically-motivated misinformation campaign, the states that have committed themselves to making this law work are finding that competition and choice are actually pushing costs down. Just last week, New York announced that premiums for consumers who buy their insurance in these online marketplaces will be at least 50% less than what they pay today. Thatテ「ツツ冱 right テ「ツツ folksテ「ツツ premiums in the individual market will drop by 50%. For them, and for the millions of Americans who have been able to cover their sick kids for the first time, or have been able to cover their employees more cheaply, or who will be getting tax breaks to afford insurance for the first time テ「ツツ you will have the security of knowing that everything youテ「ツツ况e worked hard for is no longer one illness away from being wiped out.
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