When do you want me to start? http://mastergymstore.com/drogeria-greener-pharma-lme6 greener pharmaceuticals Just like the rest of us, CEOs want to be good. But all too often, the way global capitalism works requires themテ「ツツ琶f they are to serve their shareholders, keep their jobs, and, not incidentally, earn their vast paychecksテ「ツツ杯o do things that are bad for the rest of society, or at least part of it. We cannot rely on a change of heart. What we need is a change in incentives for corporate elitesテ「ツツ馬ew, stricter rules, more firmly imposed, for the game that they play. And putting that system in place is a job not for the elites but for the state and societyテ「ツツ背hich means all of us.
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