Could I have a statement, please? non prescription lasix At 10.24 pm on May 10 1941, Rudolf Hess roared in over the little town of Bamburgh scarcely above the roofs at a speed of 750 kph (c. 470mph), both engines of his twin-engined Me-110 at full throttle. He continued towards Mount Cheviot, skimming trees and houses, cattle and men in the fields and, as he recalled it later for Ilse, his wife, “literally climbed the slope a few metres above the ground”. At the top he altered course a few degrees right to 280ツー and scorched onwards, still so low that by his own account he waved at people in the fields, towards his next point of aim, a small lake in the hills by the peak of Broad Law; here he made another slight alteration to take him over the Duke of Hamilton’s seat, Dungavel House.
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