What company are you calling from? https://villamanuela.es/is-champix-an-antidepressant-tezr champix preise deutschland DRAGHI: Well, on - on the first question - on the firstquestion, I - well, the answer is no, no to - in a sense, to be- to be sort of - to be oblivious to the low inflation. We arenot oblivious to the - to having an inflation which issignificantly below our objective, not at all, so much so thatthe forward guidance says exactly this. It says that we expectthe key ECB interest rates to remain at present lower levels foran extended period of time, and this is based on a subduedoutlook for inflation, which extends itself into the mediumterm. So weテ「ツツ决e not at all oblivious to the fact that theinflation in the medium term undershoots our objective ofinflation close to - close, but below 2 percent.
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