What do you do for a living? https://contractillumination.com/buy-betnovate-ekud how to use betnovate cream in tamil Heテ「ツツ囘 been surprised to find that in at least one way he fit in: more than half the programmers at Goldman were Russians. Russians had a reputation for being the best programmers on Wall Street, and Serge thought he knew why: they had been forced to learn programming without the luxury of endless computer time. テ「ツツ廬n Russia, time on the computer was measured in minutes,テ「ツツ he says. テ「ツツ弩hen you write a program, you are given a tiny time slot to make it work. Consequently we learned to write the code in a way that minimized the amount of debugging. And so you had to think about it a lot before you committed it to paper The ready availability of computer time creates this mode of working where you just have an idea and type it and maybe erase it 10 times. Good Russian programmers, they tend to have had that one experience at some time in the past: the experience of limited access to computer time.テ「ツツ
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