I'm self-employed http://harvestfreshmarkets.com/trileptal-150-mg-hinta-seff trileptal 600 mg preo New York City mayoral candidate Anthony Weiner said in an interview with a local television station on Friday that he is “100 percent not”ツhaving romantic online relationships with any women right now. And in a separate interview with Univision last week, Weiner said he has not sexted with anyone for “at least a year or so,” but left open the possibility that there are more women out there who could still come forward: “I can’t say that things in my past will not come up again,” he told Univision. Despite a falling from front-runner to fourth placeツin the mayoral race polls over the past two weeks, Weiner has vowed to stay in the race. But what if there are more revelations? And what collateral damage are Weiner’s troubles causing for the Clinton brand? Weiner’s wife and long-time Hillary Clinton aide, Huma Abedin, is reportedly taking the month of August off from Hillaryworld in what Weiner’s campaign described as “ツvacation time” that “she had always intended” to take. Oh, and by the way, Weiner was asked by NBC 4 New York on Friday whether he had spoken to either Bill or Hillary Clinton recently. He said he had not, andツ “I have no reason to believe she’s annoyed.”
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