Insert your card docetaxel (taxotere) The GOP premise is: テつIf a bill is debated, passed by both houses, is signed by the president, officially becomes a law, is judged constitutional by the SC and is further affirmed by the president winning an election where that law is the main issue, if there is minority opposition against funding that law within the speaker's party, then is perfectly OK for the GOP speaker NOT to bring the funding of that law to a full vote on the floor. テつIt is this technical matter of procedure where the speaker controls the agenda that the house votes on that is being used to kill progress. テつSo the tyranny we're all feeling now is NOT due to the president not willing to negotiate but rather is due to the lack of courage & integrity of JOHN BOEHNER who looks as if in his younger days was elected GOP speaker as a pretty boy and now has lost his looks AND his usefulness.. テつThis piecemeal CR effort of BOEHNER テつcurrently being played out in the House is nothing more than a farce. テつIt is NOT Barack Obama who is continuing the shutdown. テつIt is JOHN BOEHNER. テつI can only hope that there are demonstrations across the country decrying the lack of courage & integrity of JOHN BOEHNER...and that there are calls across the country for BOEHNER to allow a FULL DEMOCRATIC VOTE on a clean CR in House.テつ
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